What they do
A law clerk performs specialised clerical work associated with legal practice and law courts, with the exact nature of the work determined by the area of law their employer specialises in.
Tasks include assisting lawyers with clerical and administrative tasks, and basic legal duties. This work can also include drafting letters to clients, solicitors or other parties, assisting with telephone inquiries, and researching previous cases where final judgement of the court may be used as supporting evidence for a client's claim. A law clerk may also manage client cases, should a procedure be fairly routine.
Working conditions
A law clerk usually works from 9-5 in a normal office environment, however, overtime may be expected if a particular deadline has to be met. Law clerks are required in all courts, from large law courts in Perth or Bunbury to smaller regional courts in regional areas, such as Albany or Broome.
The duties of law clerks working in larger firms tend to be more specialised and can involve more detailed research, while those employed in smaller firms may be required to perform a wider range of duties, including receptionist tasks and work as an 'outside' clerk. The role of an 'outside' clerk includes visiting courts and government agencies to lodge legal documents, or attending settlements for clients.
Tools and technologies
Law clerks use word processing and basic computing skills to perform their work.
How do I become one?
Education and training
It is possible to work as a law clerk without any formal qualifications and get training on the job. However, entry into this occupation may be improved by obtaining a qualification in legal services or legal studies.
The Certificate IV in Legal Services and Diploma of Legal Services are offered at the North Metropolitan TAFE College in Perth. Browse courses through Jobs and Skills WA - external site and search on the My Skills website - external site to find a registered provider near you.
You can also complete a Legal Assistant traineeship (level 4). This traineeship usually takes 12 to 24 months to complete.
Apprenticeships and traineeships
As an apprentice or trainee, you are employed and get paid while you complete training towards a nationally recognised qualification. You'll do a combination of on the job training - gaining hands on skills, knowledge and experience - and structured training with a registered training provider such as TAFE.
You can do an apprenticeship or traineeship if you are a school leaver, re-entering the workforce or as an adult or mature aged person wishing to change careers. You can even begin your apprenticeship or traineeship while you're still at school.