Incentives to employ and train

Financial incentives are provided by the Western Australian and Commonwealth Governments to help businesses with the cost of taking on a new employee, apprentice or trainee. Multiple incentives can apply, so please contact the agency providing the incentive or a Jobs and Skills Centre to discuss your situation.

As announced on 5 November 2023, an additional 150 places have been added to the Group Training Organisation (GTO) Wage Subsidy program.  These additional places will be available to GTOs from 1 January 2024. Detailed information will be sent to WA GTOs registered with the Department.

For apprentices and trainees

The following incentives and financial support are available to eligible employers of apprentices and trainees.

Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System

From 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2024, the Commonwealth Government’s Australian Apprenticeships Incentive System (AAIS) will provide broad support to the economy through wage subsidies for eligible employers who engage apprentices or trainees in priority occupations, or as a hiring incentive for eligible employers of apprentices or trainees who are not engaged in a priority occupation. 

Employers may also be eligible for additional support to provide assistance to their apprentices or trainees who have a disability, through the Disability Australian Apprentice Wage Support (DAAWS) scheme.

The AAIS also offers direct assistance to eligible apprentices and trainees through the Australian Apprentice Training Support Payment, the Trades Support Loans Program, and a Living Away From Home Allowance.

For more information, visit

Construction Training Fund

The Western Australian Construction Training Fund (CTF) provides grants for employers to take on an apprentice or trainee in a range of construction occupations. Eligible employers receive a base grant of between $3,000 and $10,000 — depending on the occupation and term of indenture.

In addition to the base grant, CTF offers supplementary amounts Additional loadings are available for eligible employers of apprentices or trainees who are:

  • living and working in regional WA areas;
  • women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, mature age (21 or over at commencement) or who have successfully completed a recognised pre-apprenticeship or the Certificate II in Building and Construction (Trades Pathway) qualification as part of a Western Australian Certificate of Education program during full time enrolment in a Western Australian secondary school.

Pre-apprenticeship/Certificate II graduates must be employed in a recognised trade within twelve months of completing the qualification prior to payment of the bonus to an employer.

For more information, visit

Defence Industry Existing Worker Incentive

WA's defence industry employers may be eligible for the new Defence Industry Existing Worker Incentive (DIEWI) — a State Government initiative that provides financial assistance of up to $6,375 to upskill your trade or semiskilled workers through an existing worker traineeship (EWT), and equip them with digital and technical capabilities to meet the demands of Industry 4.0 and technological advances  across the industry. 

Full details on DIEWI can be found on the Defence Industry 'The Other Force' website

Group Training Organisation Wage Subsidy

The Group Training Organisation Wage Subsidy assists small to medium enterprises (SMEs) working on government projects in WAs building and construction sector, and on non-government residential construction projects in WA, by providing them with access to apprentices and trainees through group training organisations (GTOs).

The GTO Wage Subsidy assists SMEs by covering the average estimated award wage paid to apprentices and trainees working in the building and construction sector in WA. The subsidy does not cover superannuation, leave and other allowances, overtime, or over-Award payments.

Find out more about the GTO Wage Subsidy here

Western Australian Group Training Program

The Western Australian Group Training Program (WAGTP) is available to group training organisations (GTOs) who are registered in WA.

It provides incentive funding for GTOs to employ apprentices and trainees in priority target groups and support them through to completion.

Find out more about the WAGTP here

Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive

The Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive provides financial assistance to Western Australian businesses who employ an apprentice or new entrant trainee.

Eligible employers receive a base payment, and may also be entitled to an additional loading payments for apprentices and trainees who:

  • are undertaking an apprenticeship or traineeship in a State priority occupation;
  • are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders;
  • have a disability;
  • are living in regional WA; and/or
  • aged between 21—30 years of age (apprentices only).

For more information, visit

Payroll Tax Exemption

The Western Australian State Government provides a payroll tax exemption on wages paid to apprentices under a registered training contract and eligible trainees with a training contract registered prior to 1 July 2019.

For more information, visit

Travel and accommodation allowance (TAA)

The WA State government assists apprentices and trainees with travel and accommodation related to the completion of their off the job training component, through the Travel and accommodation allowance (TAA).

For more information, visit

Wage subsidies

Wage subsidies are a financial incentive employment service providers can offer to eligible employers, to encourage them to hire eligible participants in ongoing jobs, by contributing to the initial costs of hiring a new employee. Wage subsidies can help to build a business and give employers flexibility in their hiring options.

Indigenous Australians are eligible immediately on commencement in employment services, excluding Digital Services. Participants aged 24 years and under may be eligible to a Youth Bonus Wage Subsidy (YBWS) after certain periods of servicing. YBWS offers employers up to a set amount of $10,000.

For more information,  call the Employer Hotline on 13 17 15 or visit


Group Training Organisation Wage Subsidy

The Group Training Organisation (GTO) Wage Subsidy was introduced by the State Government to assist small to medium enterprises (SMEs) working on government projects in WAs building and construction sector, and on non-government residential construction projects in WA.

The subsidy assists SMEs by providing them with access to apprentices and trainees through group training organisations (GTOs), and by covering the average estimated award wage paid to apprentices and trainees working in the building and construction sector in WA.

It does not cover superannuation, leave and other allowances, overtime, or over-Award payments.

For detailed information about the GTO Wage Subsidy, please view the following documents. 

New! Group Training Organisation Wage Subsidy

How can the GTO Wage Subsidy help me?

As an SME, you will be able to engage with a GTO to become a host employer for apprentices and trainees, and gain access to workers you need for building and construction projects you are working on.

The GTO employs the apprentice or trainee and is able to guarantee consistent work for them, even if you are unable to host them for the duration of their apprenticeship or traineeship.

Western Australian Group Training Program

The Western Australian Group Training Program (WAGTP) is available to group training organisations (GTOs) who are registered in WA. It provides incentive funding, as outlined in the table below, for GTOs to employ apprentices and trainees in priority target groups and support them through to completion. The State priority target groups of apprentices and trainees to be supported include:

  • Aboriginal Australians;
  • people with disability;
  • women in non-traditional trades;
  • humanitarian and refugee visa holders;
  • school based apprentices and trainees; and
  • people in remote and regional areas.

To be eligible for WAGTP funding, GTOs must:

  • be registered to operate in WA as a GTO;
  • be compliant with the National Standards for Group Training Organisations; and
  • place their apprentices/trainees with host employers through a formal agreement.

Registered GTOs are invited to participate in the WAGTP through a call for applications.

2024—25 targeted state priority groups and funding incentives
Commencement of
training contract
Mid term
Completion of
employment outcome
Aboriginal student at risk$1,000
Year 12: $1,000
Person with disability$1,800$1,000$1,200
Women in non-traditional trades$1,200$1,000$800
Humanitarian and refugee visa holders$1,200$1,000$1,200


For further information about WAGTP, please email

Other incentives and support

Assistance for Australian apprentices with disability

The Commonwealth Government provides assistance to support Australian apprentices with disability, including the Disabled Australian Apprentice Wage Support (DAAWS), which is paid to employers, and assistance for tutorial, interpreter and mentor services for apprentices.

DAAWS is also available to employers who employ Australian apprentices who become disabled during their apprenticeship.

For more information, visit

Community Development Program (CDP)

The Commonwealth Government provides eligible employers operating in remote Australia, with subsidies and retention bonuses to create new ongoing jobs for Community Development Program participants. 

For more information, visit or call the Employment Services Information Line on 13 62 68.

Construction Training Fund (CTF)

The WA Construction Training Fund (CTF) provides grants for employers to take on an apprentice or trainee in a range of construction occupations. Eligible employers receive a base grant of between $3,000 and $10,000 depending on the occupation and term of indenture.

In addition to the base grant, CTF offers supplementary amounts for eligible apprentices in regional areas, women, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, mature age (21 or over at commencement) or who have successfully completed a recognised pre-apprenticeship or the Certificate II in Building and Construction (Trades Pathway) qualification as part of a Western Australian Certificate of Education program during full time enrolment in a Western Australian secondary school.

Pre-apprenticeship/Certificate II graduates must be employed in a recognised trade within twelve months of completing the qualification, prior to payment of the bonus to an employer.

For more information, visit

Construction Visa Subsidy Program

To support Western Australian construction businesses to fill the demand for a skilled workforce the State Government has introduced an $11 million Construction Visa Subsidy Program (CVSP).

The program will provide grant payments of up to $10,000 to support skilled migration visa pathways for workers and help offset costs such as migration agent fees, visa application fees and relocation expenses.

Find out more about the CVSP here

Employment Assistance Fund

The Commonwealth Government’s Employment Assistance Fund gives financial help to eligible people with disability and mental health conditions and employers to buy work related modifications, equipment, Auslan services and workplace assistance and support services.

It is available to eligible people about to start a job, who are self-employed or currently working. It is also available to eligible people who need Auslan assistance or special work equipment to look for and prepare for a job.

For more information, visit the EAF website here or call JobAccess on 1800 464 800.

Mature age wage subsidies

Wage subsidies are a financial incentive employment service providers can offer to eligible employers to encourage them to hire eligible participants in ongoing jobs, by contributing to the initial costs of hiring a new employee. Wage subsidies can help to build a business and give employers flexibility in their hiring options.

Participants aged 25 years and older may be eligible for the Workforce Australia Services Subsidy after certain periods of servicing. Under an WASWS, providers have the flexibility to offer an employer up to a maximum of $10,000

For more information,  call the Employer Hotline on 13 17 15 or visit or

Transition to Work Program (youth)

The Commonwealth Government’s Transition to Work program assists 15-24 year olds who left school early, or who are having difficulty finding a job after school. 

This program can help young people into work, apprenticeships or traineeships, or education.

For more information visit

Wage subsidies

Wage subsidies are a financial incentive employment service providers can offer to eligible employers to encourage them to hire eligible participants in ongoing jobs, by contributing to the initial costs of hiring a new employee. Wage subsidies can help to build a business and give employers flexibility in their hiring options.

  • Indigenous Australians are eligible immediately on commencement in employment services, excluding Digital Services.
  • Participants aged 24 years and under may be eligible to Youth Bonus Wage Subsidy after certain periods of servicing. YBWS offers employers up to a set amount of $10,000.
  • Participants aged 25 years and older may be eligible for the Workforce Australia Services Subsidy after certain periods of servicing.

Under a Workforce Australia Services Wage Subsidy (WASWS) providers have the flexibility to offer an employer up to a maximum of $10,000.

For more information call the Employer Hotline on 13 17 15. Information is also available at:

Construction Visa Subsidy Program

To support Western Australian construction businesses to fill the demand for a skilled workforce the State Government has introduced an $11 million Construction Visa Subsidy Program (CVSP).

The program will provide grant payments of up to $10,000 to support skilled migration visa pathways for workers and help offset costs such as migration agent fees, visa application fees and relocation expenses.

WA employers (CVSP Employer Sponsored Stream) and independent skilled migrants (CVSP State Nominated Stream) may be eligible for the CVSP.

For further information and a step-by-step guide, visit the Migration WA website.