If you're looking for a way to build your workforce with skilled workers, traineeships are an excellent option! Your workers will complete on the job training towards a nationally recognised qualification, in line with industry standards and best practice, and as an employer you may be eligible for financial incentives.
Investing in your future business — What a traineeship offers
Available across a broad range of industries | Quality training, customised to suit your business |
Access to financial incentives and wage subsidies | Support from a registered training organisation |
Completion within 12 months to two years, through on the job training | Available for school students through to mature age people |
To find out more about traineeships, and what's available in specific industry areas, read on!
What is a traineeship, how do they work?
Traineeships are similar to apprenticeships, and are designed for industry sectors and job roles that do not require a trades qualification such as community services, healthcare, hospitality, childcare, information technology, and business. A traineeship generally takes between 12 months to two years to complete — mostly via on the job training, although some formal off the job training at a TAFE college or registered training organisation may also take place. Traineeships are open to people of all ages.
On completion of the training the trainee is awarded a nationally recognised qualification if they have demonstrated the required skills and knowledge.
Traineeships can offer many benefits for a business owner or employer — including financial incentives!
For a quick guide to traineeships, how they work and what options are available, take a look at our Traineeships — A quick guide for employers.
What traineeships are available?
Over 400 traineeships are available in WA, across a range of industry areas and occupational sectors including automotive, business, building and construction, community services, education, electrotechnology, finance, information technology, food services, hospitality and tourism, manufacturing, metals, mining, sport and recreation, transport, utilities, primary industries, retail, wholesale, and personal services.
A comprehensive list of all traineeships, including categorisation of those available as part time and/or school-based, is published monthly as the Class A/B Register. |
A list of traineeships funded by the WA government is available on the Jobs and Skills WA website. This list is updated throughout the year, as required. |
What is the difference between a traineeship and an apprenticeship?
Generally, an apprenticeship is undertaken for trades-based and/or licensed occupations such as bricklaying, engineering, landscaping, electricians, automotive mechanics, hairdressing or plumbing; whereas traineeships cover more general areas of work such as business, information technology, sport and fitness, aged care, retail, and healthcare.
Traineeships generally take around 12 months to two years to complete. Apprenticeships usually take three or four years to complete.
Employer quick guide
The following quick reference tool is taken from the Traineeships — A quick guide for employers and gives you a step-by-step guide to getting started with traineeships for your business.




Benefits for your business
Traineeships offer a range of benefits for your business, from financial incentives through to improvements in staff retention and engagement.
You'll also feel confident that your staff is being trained to industry best practice standards.
Watch this short video from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA (CCIWA), to hear why they think traineeships are a great option for your business.
Spotlight on Community Services, Health and Education
The Community Services, Health and Education industries offer a great range of traineeships. Skilled healthcare workers are currently in high demand in WA, so hiring new trainees offers employers a great opportunity to grow the team and develop their skills as they're working — ensuring that their training is in context of business operations and practices.
There's a traineeship for almost every occupation — from aged care, dental assisting, disability support, Aboriginal healthcare and environmental health, early childhood education, allied health, youth work, mental health work, and individual and community support. You can find a list of all traineeships available in these sectors here (select the 'Apprenticeships and traineeships' tab).
The aged care and disability support sectors are two key areas where traineeships are an excellent solution for skilling your workforce, with different training options available to suit your business and workforce needs.
Aged care traineeships
- Aged care or Community care work (Level 3) — Certificate III in Individual Support
- Aged care or Community care work (Level 4) — Certificate IV in Ageing Support
Disability support traineeships
- Disability work (Level 3) — Certificate III in Individual Support
- Disability work (Level 4) — Certificate IV in Disability
- Personal care work — Certificate III in Individual Support
Case studies — Financial incentives
Disability support sector: Josh
Josh has been working on a casual basis for Home Care Services in Perth for five months, and has been offered a traineeship in Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability). Although he likes the flexibility of casual work, Josh is happy to change to part time as a traineeship cannot be undertaken through casual employment. Under part time arrangements the duration of the traineeship will be 18 months, and Josh is hoping the skills and knowledge he’s gained to date can be used to complete his traineeship earlier.
Although Josh was already working for Home Care Services before starting the traineeship, his period of employment falls within the new entrant guidelines which means that government funding applies to the traineeship.
On 29 March 2021, Josh started his part time traineeship with regular shifts totalling 25 hours a week.
By employing Josh as a part time trainee, Home Care Services may be eligible for a number of incentives and a wage subsidy, payable at different stages of the traineeship.
Take a look at the information below, which outlines the financial incentives and support Home Care Services could be eligible to receive.
State Government Incentives
Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive
This incentive provides financial assistance to Western Australian businesses who employ an apprentice or new entrant trainee and have lodged the training contract for registration on or after 1 July 2019.
Based on Josh's employment, Home Care Services may be entitled to receive the following:
- A base incentive payment of $2,125.00; and
- an additional loading payment of $212.50 for a traineeship aligned to the State Priority Occupation List (SPOL).
Additional loading payments are also available for trainees with a disability, who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders, and who live and work in regional WA. Employers may receive more than one additional loading payment for each eligible training contract.
Detail information about the Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive can be found here - jobsandskills.wa.gov.au/employerincentive
Commonwealth Government Incentives
The Commonwealth Government, offers a range of incentives and wage subsidies for eligible employers apprentices/trainees.
Detailed information about Commonwealth government incentives and wage subsidies can be found here - australianapprenticeships.gov.au/aus-employer-incentives
Accessing this funding
- State Government incentives are managed by the Department of Training and Workforce Development's Apprenticeship Office. Incentive payments are made through the Western Australian Apprenticeship Management System (WAAMS)
- Commonwealth incentives are managed by Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers Contact a WA Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider
Need some assistance?
For information about traineeships or State government incentives, please call Apprenticeship Office on 13 19 54 (select option 2 for assistance with incentives).
Aged care: Sandra
Bayside Care is an aged care service provider based in Broome, in Western Australia's Kimberley region. They have employed 25-year old Sandra as a trainee to undertake a 12- month traineeship in Certificate III in Individual Support (Aged Care).
Sandra commenced the traineeship on 22 February 2021 and is employed full time. She identifies as Aboriginal.
By employing Sandra as a trainee, Bayside Care may be eligible for a number of incentives and wage subsidies, payable at different stages of the traineeship, as outlined below.
State Government Incentives
Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive
This incentive provides financial assistance to Western Australian businesses who employ an apprentice or new entrant trainee and have lodged the training contract for registration on or after 1 July 2019.
Based on Sandra's employment, Bayside Care may be entitled to receive the following:
- A base incentive payment of $2,125.00; and
- an additional loading payment of:
- $212.50 - traineeship is aligned to the State Priority Occupation List (SPOL);
- $425 - trainee lives and works in regional WA; and
- $212.50 - trainee is an Aboriginal person.
Additional loading payments are also available for trainees with a disability, who are Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders, and who live and work in regional WA. Employers may receive more than one additional loading payment for each eligible training contract.
Detail information about the Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive can be found here - jobsandskills.wa.gov.au/employerincentive
Commonwealth Government Incentives
The Commonwealth Government, offers a range of incentives and wage subsidies for eligible employers apprentices/trainees.
Detailed information about Commonwealth government incentives and wage subsidies can be found here - australianapprenticeships.gov.au/aus-employer-incentives
Accessing this funding
- State Government incentives are managed by the Department of Training and Workforce Development's Apprenticeship Office. Incentive payments are made through the Western Australian Apprenticeship Management System (WAAMS)
- Commonwealth incentives are managed by Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers Contact a WA Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider
Need some assistance?
For information about traineeships or State government incentives, please call Apprenticeship Office on 13 19 54 (select option 2 for assistance with incentives).
Disability support: Yasmin
Yasmin completed Year 12 recently, and after volunteering at Here for You Bunbury she decided to do a traineeship in Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability).
Yasmin approached the manager of the centre, who was happy to start her in the traineeship from 21 February 2021. She will be undertaking the traineeship part-time, doing 20 hours per week, and hopes to be able to articulate into a Certificate IV in Disability traineeship on completion of her current training contract.
By employing Yasmin as a trainee, Here for You Bunbury may be eligible for a number of incentives and wage subsidies, payable at different stages of the traineeship, as outlined below.
State Government Incentives
Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive
This incentive provides financial assistance to Western Australian businesses who employ an apprentice or new entrant trainee and have lodged the training contract for registration on or after 1 July 2019.
Based on Yasmin's employment, Here For You Bunbury may be entitled to receive:
- A base incentive payment of $2,125.00;
- Additional loading payments of
- $212.50 - traineeship is aligned to the State Priority Occupation List (SPOL); and
- $212.50 - trainee lives and works in regional WA.
Commonwealth Government Incentives
The Commonwealth Government, offers a range of payments for eligible employers and apprentices/trainees.
Detailed information about Commonwealth government incentives and wage subsidies can be founds here - autralianspprenticeships.gov.au/aus-employer-incentives
Accessing this funding
- State Government incentives are managed by the Department of Training and Workforce Development's Apprenticeship Office. Incentive payments are made through the Western Australian Apprenticeship Management System (WAAMS)
- Commonwealth incentives are managed by Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers Contact a WA Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider
Need some assistance?
For information about traineeships or State government incentives, please call Apprenticeship Office on 13 19 54 (select option 2 for assistance with incentives).
Reengaging an out of contract trainee
The Jobs and Skills WA Out of Contract Register lists over 300 apprentices and trainees, each in various stages of their training but all with great skills and experience to offer, who are looking for a new employer to continue their apprenticeship or traineeship.
As an employer, you can search the register to find someone that suits your needs.
Reengaged trainee: Aged care
Ageing Gracefully Pty Ltd takes on 19-year old Gary as a trainee in the Certificate III in Individual Support qualification on 22 March 2021. Gary will be employed on a full time basis and the nominal duration of the traineeship is 12 months.
Because he had already commenced his traineeship with another employer — but after two months he was let go due to COVID-19 — he will be finished his traineeship in less time.
Ageing Gracefully Pty Ltd made contact with Gary through the Jobs and Skills WA Out of Contract Register for apprentices and trainees. By reengaging him as a trainee, they may be eligible for a number of incentives and wage subsidies, payable at different stages of the traineeship, as outlined below.
State Government Incentives
Jobs and Skills WA Employer Incentive
This incentive provides financial assistance to Western Australian businesses who employ an apprentice or new entrant trainee and have lodged the training contract for registration on or after 1 July 2019. Based on Gary's employment, Ageing Gracefully may be entitled to receive:
- A base incentive payment of $2,125.00;
- Additional loading payments of
- $212.50 - traineeship is aligned to the State Priority Occupation List (SPOL); and
- $212.50 - trainee lives and works in regional WA.
Commonwealth Government Incentives
The Commonwealth Government, offers a range of payments for eligible employers and apprentices/trainees.
Detailed information about Commonwealth government incentives and wage subsidies can be founds here - autralianspprenticeships.gov.au/aus-employer-incentives
Accessing this funding
- State Government incentives are managed by the Department of Training and Workforce Development's Apprenticeship Office. Incentive payments are made through the Western Australian Apprenticeship Management System (WAAMS)
- Commonwealth incentives are managed by Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers Contact a WA Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider
Need some assistance?
For information about traineeships or State government incentives, please call Apprenticeship Office on 13 19 54 (select option 2 for assistance with incentives).
Please note
The case studies provided on this page have been developed to capture scenarios where various additional incentives at the State and Commonwealth Government level may be applicable; such as for apprenticeships/traineeships in regional, Aboriginal and priority occupation/skills shortage.
The information is intended to illustrate the benefits to an employer of signing up a trainee when the wage costs are substantially reduced. The incentives and grants referenced in the case studies is specific to the circumstances described, and may not be applicable for other circumstances.
Information in the case studies is current as of 1 September 2022. The wage costs referenced are estimated gross wage only, based on information in the applicable Industrial Award at the time the case study was developed.

Jobs and Skills Centres are located across Perth and regional WA, with free services to help you skill up your workforce. Whether you need some advice on the best traineeship to suit your business, help to recruit a new trainee, or any other information or support related to skills and training, your local JSC can help!