The Kununurra Jobs and Skills Centre welcomes clients from the far north Western Australian East Kimberley region and is located at North Regional TAFE's Kununurra campus on Coolibah Drive between the two local schools.
Our dedicated staff that have extensive knowledge of the local communities, industries and stakeholders throughout the region. Services are also supported by Wunan Foundation who have extensive connections and knowledge of the region.
Our Jobs and Skills Centre is a one stop shop where the dedicated team is ready to support jobseekers, employers and industry.
We can provide free services to support you such as:
- help with resumés, job applications, training and career advice, and connecting jobseekers to employers; and
- support to businesses by advertising vacancies free of charge, promoting career events, access to trainee and apprenticeship information and advice on workforce development.
Our services
Welcome to Aboriginal Services at Kununurra Jobs and Skills Centre.
When you arrive at the Kununurra Jobs and Skills Centre you will notice our friendly team with dedicated staff happy to help with your enquiry.
We assist Aboriginal people in Western Australia to get into training or a job, working closely with local employers to create job opportunities including school leavers.
Kununurra Jobs and Skills Centre can provide:
- culturally sensitive employment and career services;
- information on choosing the best training option for your personal and work goals;
- access to job opportunities through our Aboriginal jobs board;
- help with resumés and job applications; and
- referrals to other services, depending on your needs.
We are dedicated to the development of meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities through regular outreach services to Halls Creek, Warmun and Wyndham.
We also assist employers and businesses to create a more culturally aware workplace that can attract and retain Aboriginal employees.
For more information about these services, please take a look at the Aboriginal services section of this website.
Our free jobs boards
We work closely with employers, business owners and industry to identify and create employment opportunities.
View our jobs board
We also have a free jobs board with deadly jobs for Aboriginal people.
View our Aboriginal services jobs board
For all the latest news and information about deadly job opportunities, follow our Deadly Jobs page on Facebook.
Deadly Jobs Facebook page!
If you would like assistance with applying for an opportunity, please call us on 13 64 64 or 08 9168 9477 or email
The Kununurra Jobs and Skills Centre team is committed to providing long term solutions and to provide individual support and guidance for:
- information on education, training and employment pathways for people in the East Kimberley;
- career guidance to identify interests, unique strengths and employability skills;
- career planning;
- details on available training courses;
- traineeship and apprenticeship information; and
- job search assistance using our free jobs board and regional networks.
Having developed an extensive network, we are committed to providing long term solutions in education training and employment for all people in the East Kimberley. We deliver services aimed at supporting people to transition directly into real jobs, return to formal education or get job ready by undertaking vocational training.
We are able to support you with the transition to work, increase employability and achieve job placements.
At the Kununurra Jobs and Skills Centre, we are committed to providing expert advice and guidance to employers and businesses through:
- advertising vacancies free of charge on our jobs board and Aboriginal Services jobs board platforms;
- assisting with diverse recruitment needs, including traineeships and apprenticeships;
- providing advice on workforce development including offering disability support services;
- providing information on tailored solutions to meet industry specific training needs; and
- providing Aboriginal recruitment/retention strategies and advice.
We also support employers and businesses through the provision of information, connection to community stakeholders and provision of advice to integrate diversity into the workforce.
We endeavour to regularly meet with employers and industry stakeholders from the East Kimberley in the following locations:
- Wyndham;
- Warmun; and
- Halls Creek.
The East Kimberley has a challenging and complex environment however, our team here at Kununurra Jobs and Skills Centre understands these complexities and is committed to supporting you to overcome the challenges they can present.
With an extensive established network, we are able to support clients with the transition to work, increase employability and achieve job placements. We can also support employers and businesses through the provision of information, and connection to community stakeholders, and offer advice to integrate diversity into your workforce.
If you would like assistance with applying for an opportunity and to chat more about this, please call us on 13 64 64 or 08 9168 9477 or email
Living in this remote beautiful top end of Western Australia, the Kununurra Jobs and Skills Centre team is aware of the expansive region where services are required. There are unique challenges that jobseekers, students, employers and businesses are faced with. To better support the community and local stakeholders, we utilise our extensive network to meet client needs, promote events, and connect and support the community.
We are dedicated to the development of meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities through regular outreach services to Halls Creek, Warmun and Kununurra.
Visit us

Contact us

Our facilities
Kununurra Jobs and Skills Centre has internet-connected computers available so that you can browse online for jobs, look up information about training courses, write up a job application or update your CV/resumé.

There is ample free parking available at the Kununurra campus of North Regional TAFE for visitors to the Kununurra Jobs and Skills Centre.

Bicycle racks are available in the parking areas at the North Regional TAFE Kununurra campus.
Please bring your own security device such as a locking chain.