Before you start a job, change your occupation or commit to study or training for a career, you need to make sure it's a good fit with who you are and what you want for your future.
- Do you want to know how much you could potentially earn, whether you might need some new skills, and what kind of opportunities this field or industry can offer?
- Do you know about the different job roles that may be available, and what people actually do on a day-to-day basis?
These are questions many people ask when exploring their employment options and making career decisions. Occupation profiles can help!
Skills Ready: Fee-free and low fee training!
We’re making training affordable and accessible so you can boost your skills and be job ready.
How about a fee-free training course — yes... free! Or choose from a range of low fee qualifications that match up with where the jobs are.
We also have fee-free Job Ready Pathways Programs — fast track training to get you job ready. And to make sure anyone can get skills ready, we have made a range of courses available online at TAFE colleges.
Occupation profiles
We have profiles for over 600 occupations, where you can find details such as day-to-day duties, working conditions, salary, personal requirements and educational qualifications. These profiles will give you a good overview of each occupation, to help with your decision making.
Once you have selected a few specific occupations, you could conduct more detailed research into those careers — for example; talking with people who work in that industry.
Please note
Occupation profiles are intended to be used as a source of impartial (unbiased) and balanced information to assist you to explore different occupations.
Free information and advice about jobs and careers is available from your local Jobs and Skills Centre.
Search occupation profiles
Using the occupation profiles search
As this list contains hundreds of occupation profiles, you can search by keyword, or by letter A—Z.
Industry area
Use this filter to search within a specific industry.
Once you have found occupations that interest you, you could conduct more detailed research into those careers — for example; talking with people who work in that industry.
Occupation profiles
Occupation profiles search by keyword
Type a keyword into the search box below, to find all the occupation profiles that contain that keyword.
Occupation profiles search A—Z
Choose from the letters displayed below to see the occupation profiles — for example; under "G" you'll find gardener, geologist, graphic designer and many more.

Feature occupation video
Here we have selected a feature occupation, showcased through real life stories and experiences, for you to watch and see if the occupation might be the one for you.