Gallery or museum guide
A gallery or museum guide supplies information and conducts tours for visitors in a gallery or museum. An entry level guide would perform mainly routine sales and service tasks under direct supervision. They may also be involved in meeting and greeting gallery/museum visitors, managing visitors’ access to exhibits and maintaining security. A guide may also be involved in maintaining records of attendance, and may assist with installing and dismantling exhibits.
In Western Australia's, it may be possible to work as a gallery/museum guide almost anywhere in the State, from Perth's numerous cultural institutions to the historic agricultural and mining museums in the South West, Pilbara or Kimberley regions.
Working conditions
Gallery/museum guides mainly works indoors, however they may be expected to travel with touring exhibitions. These guides will also be required to assist in the maintenance and cleaning of exhibits.
Tools and technologies
These guides often work with a variety of audio visual and multimedia technologies that are used in exhibits. These technologies might include laptops and projectors, video cameras, and touch screen displays. A guide may assist in setting up displays that include these types of technologies, and may also be required to assist visitors in using technologies that form elements of displays.
Education and training
It is possible to work as a gallery or museum guide without formal qualifications and get training on the job. However, entry into this occupation may be improved by obtaining a qualification in tourism, guiding or a related area.
The Certificate II in Tourism, Certificate III in Tourism and Certificate III in Guiding are offered at TAFE colleges and other registered training organisations throughout Western Australia.
Browse courses through Jobs and Skills WA and search on the My Skills website to find a registered provider near you.
You can also undertake a traineeship in tourism (guiding) (level 2 or level 3). The traineeships take 12 months to complete and the traineeship in tourism (guiding) (level 2) is available as a school-based traineeship.
Free support and assistance
Your local jobs and Skills Centre can provide free information, support and assistance to help you decide on the best training options to meet your goals.
The information presented on the occupation profiles within this website is offered as a guide only.