What they do
Taxi drivers transport passengers to and from various destinations. They receive information via radio, collect passengers from their destination and help them with their baggage. They may also confirm with the passenger about a preferred route, as well as checking maps for the most appropriate route. They transport passengers, help them to disembark from the vehicle, assist them again with their luggage, and collect fares. They may also process payments from credit cards or EFTPOS payments. Some taxi drivers may also collect and deliver parcels.
Working conditions
Taxi drivers drive everywhere, ferrying passengers to and from entertainment venues, airports, railway stations or shopping areas as well as businesses and private residential addresses. They usually work in shifts, which often includes late nights, early mornings, and working on weekends and public holidays. They may occasionally need to deal with aggressive or inebriated passengers.
Tools and technologies
Taxi drivers need to be able to drive a car. Many taxi drivers drive automatic vehicles, but others use those with manual transmissions. They may also be required to read maps or road directories, or to operate GPS navigation equipment. They usually need to operate EFTPOS machines to process bank and credit card transactions.
How do I become one?
Education and training
It is possible to work as a taxi driver without formal qualifications. However, some taxi companies in Western Australia may require you to complete a short internal training course before you can start driving taxis.
Required registration and licensing
To work as a taxi driver in Western Australia you will need to hold a relevant driver’s licence class and obtain a Passenger Transport Driver authorisation from the Department of Transport.