Optical mechanic

What they do

Optical mechanics make precision optical parts, grind, polish and surface prescription lenses and contact lenses, and fit lenses to spectacle frames.

Optical mechanics may specialise as optical dispensers.

Highly skilled and experienced optical mechanics make, repair and service binoculars, telescopes and other scientific optical equipment.

Working conditions

Optical mechanics are employed by optical dispensing firms, optometrists or optical laboratories. They may operate their own dispensing businesses. Shifts in fashion can influence demand for optical mechanics. 

Tools and technologies

Tools include:

  • Screw and locknuts
  • Screwdriver
  • Pliers
  • Specialist Frame Repairer
  • Tweezers
  • Hand Drill
  • Files and Reamers
  • Soldering Tools

How do I become one?

Education and training

To become an optical mechanic you usually need to complete an apprenticeship. The optical mechanic/technician apprenticeship usually takes 48 months to complete.

Apprenticeships and traineeships

As an apprentice or trainee, you are employed and get paid while you complete training towards a nationally recognised qualification. You'll do a combination of on the job training - gaining hands on skills, knowledge and experience - and structured training with a registered training provider such as TAFE. 

You can do an apprenticeship or traineeship if you are a school leaver, re-entering the workforce or as an adult or mature aged person wishing to change careers. You can even begin your apprenticeship or traineeship while you're still at school.