What they do
Librarians are responsible for collecting, managing and maintaining library materials. In addition to print materials such as books and newspapers, modern libraries also include CDs, videos and DVDs, electronic copies of books and journals, sound recordings and microfilms.
Working conditions
Working conditions can vary greatly between libraries, depending on the size, location and type. In Western Australia there are 232 public libraries, in both regional and metropolitan areas, as well as a large number of corporate libraries. Librarians working in larger libraries may specialise in certain areas, such as acquisitions, electronic services or they may have expertise about a particular subject. Librarians in these larger libraries may be required to work evenings and on weekends. Librarians in smaller libraries, where there will be fewer staff, will be responsible for managing many/all aspects of the library's operation.
Tools and technologies
Nowadays given the use of technology and information being stored in electronic formats librarians must be increasingly proficient with computers. They must also be familiar with specialised databases and catalogues in order to effectively manage and locate records and information both in their own library, and in some cases, at other locations.
How do I become one?
Education and training
To become a librarian, you usually need to study a degree with a major in librarianship. Alternatively, you can undertake a degree in a relevant discipline, followed by a postgraduate qualification in information services or information and library studies.
Curtin University offers a three-year Bachelor of Arts with a major in librarianship. This is the only undergraduate degree specialising in librarianship available in Western Australia.
Curtin University also offers a Master of Information Management and a Graduate Diploma in Information and Library Studies.
Contact the universities you are interested in for more information.
Required registration and licensing