Certificate IV in Information Technology [Systems Administration Support]

Jobs & Skills WA: Free and reduced-fee courses.

Certificate IV in Information Technology [Systems Administration Support]

Looking to build your skills in information technology network and systems support? Gain high level skills and knowledge to troubleshoot, configure, and maintain hardware and software.

If you've got a knack for customer service, solving complex problems, and paying sharp attention to detail then this tech course is for you. With technology at the heart of every modern organisation, broad technical skills that keep hardware, software and networks up and running are in demand more than ever.

This course is ideal to develop in-demand skills, suitable for a wide range of roles in IT. You'll gain hands on training to troubleshoot, configure, and maintain hardware and software. You'll learn to resolve client issues, support various IT projects and assist with policy development.

Completion of this nationally recognised and accredited qualification may provide credit towards a relevant higher level qualification or university degree, should you wish to pursue further study in this field.


Please note: This qualification is not eligible for fee-free training if undertaken as an existing worker traineeship (EWT). However; selected qualifications in key industry sectors are available as EWTs, with reduced course fees (limited places may apply). To see the list of qualifications available as reduced fee EWTs, please visit jobsandskills.wa.gov.au/training#subsidised-training and select the 'Existing worker traineeships' tab. To find out whether an EWT is available for this qualification at a particular TAFE college or private training provider, please contact them directly via the information provided on this course page.

Training options

  • Fee-free
  • Existing worker traineeship
  • STEM

Industry areas

  • Defence
  • Information Technology, Library and Digital

Study area

  • Information Communication Technology

Course ID

  • National ID: ICT40120
  • WA State ID: AC18

This course is not currently available at any private training providers.

If you've got a knack for customer service, solving complex problems, and paying sharp attention to detail then this tech course is for you. With technology at the heart of every modern organisation, broad technical skills that keep hardware, software and networks up and running are in demand more than ever.

This course is ideal to develop in-demand skills, suitable for a wide range of roles in IT. You'll gain hands on training to troubleshoot, configure, and maintain hardware and software. You'll learn to resolve client issues, support various IT projects and assist with policy development.

Completion of this nationally recognised and accredited qualification may provide credit towards a relevant higher level qualification or university degree, should you wish to pursue further study in this field.


Please note: This qualification is not eligible for fee-free training if undertaken as an existing worker traineeship (EWT). However; selected qualifications in key industry sectors are available as EWTs, with reduced course fees (limited places may apply). To see the list of qualifications available as reduced fee EWTs, please visit jobsandskills.wa.gov.au/training#subsidised-training and select the 'Existing worker traineeships' tab. To find out whether an EWT is available for this qualification at a particular TAFE college or private training provider, please contact them directly via the information provided on this course page.

Training options

  • Fee-free
  • Existing worker traineeship
  • STEM

Industry areas

  • Defence
  • Information Technology, Library and Digital

Study area

  • Information Communication Technology

Course ID

  • National ID: ICT40120
  • WA State ID: AC18

This course is not currently available at any private training providers.

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The information presented on the course lists within this website is provided to the Department of Training and Workforce Development by the WA TAFE colleges and private training providers, and is offered as a guide only. It is updated regularly, however some changes to details may occur in between updates. You should always contact the TAFE or private training provider directly to confirm details and/or ask questions.