Transformational Roebourne project delivers training boost for Pilbara

Specialist training is now underway at North Regional TAFE’s Minurmarghali Mia (Roebourne) campus, with new multi-purpose training facilities playing a key role in connecting the local Aboriginal community to vocational education and training. Training Minister Simone McGurk visited the campus today, officially opening the $7.9 million new facilities.

The major upgrade consists of four new classrooms which will be used across a range of training areas, including an IT laboratory and art classroom, a new industry workshop for construction trades training and an upgrade of the existing light automotive workshop. Lead architect Iredale Pedersen Hook Architects was briefed to design culturally-appropriate, contemporary facilities and consulted extensively with the Roebourne community during planning stages to create diverse learning opportunities. Through the consultation with local Aboriginal people, the campus now has vibrant, community-focused areas, with outdoor learning spaces, and male and female student hubs.

Western Australian construction company Devlyn Australia carried out the build, employing more than 200 workers throughout construction, including apprentices and trainees. Aboriginal student enrolment numbers are currently up eight per cent compared to the same time in 2022, across publicly funded training in WA. The McGowan Government is spending a record $243.3 million to upgrade TAFE infrastructure across the State, including regional areas.

Read the full media statement here