New METRONET training facility open for training

Construction of the $5.4 million specialist METRONET Trade Training Centre at North Metropolitan TAFE’s Midland campus is across the line, with Training Minister Simone McGurk and Transport Minister Rita Saffioti today officially opening the centre – the first dedicated public facility of its kind in Western Australia.

The new training centre was built to support training for jobs in the rail industry and to meet the diverse training needs of the McGowan Government’s $6 billion METRONET program, WA’s biggest and most complex public transport network ever undertaken. The METRONET Trade Training Centre also recognises the extensive private and public rail infrastructure that supports key drivers of the Western Australian economy such as the resources and agricultural sectors.

The centre supports the delivery of a pipeline of workers to address skill shortages in highly technical roles that are critical to industry supply chains. Developed in consultation with industry, the facility includes rail signalling workshops, a dual-track level crossing, a maintenance track and crossover, and a signalling equipment room to enable hands-on training.

Construction of new Metronet

A section of rail line is in place for training in maintenance of various gauges of rail. Reflecting industry standards, the centre has been the beneficiary of donated specialised equipment from some of the giants of the Western Australian rail sector. Strong demand has seen the engagement of several groups of rail signalling technicians use the facilities for the Certificate IV in Rail Signalling. From April, up to 15 secondary school students will also benefit from the new facilities when they commence the Certificate II in Rail Infrastructure through the Vocational Education and Training Delivered to Secondary Students (VETDSS) program.

Students will be supported with local training for a range of projects, creating job opportunities for local workers, pre-apprentices and apprentices while upskilling workers for construction and maintenance of WA’s wider rail network as well as METRONET. The centre is further to the State Government's record $215.8 million investment in key infrastructure projects that continue to be rolled out at TAFE colleges across the State, creating world-class learning facilities for all Western Australians.

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“The McGowan Government is committed to investing in world-class training facilities that deliver high-level training." says Training Minister Simone McGurk. “The METRONET Trade Training Centre will provide practical training that will lead to jobs and ensure a pipeline of skilled workers required to support METRONET and WA’s wider rail network well in to the future. Our Government is investing heavily in our State’s TAFE network to create world class, industry standard learning facilities for all Western Australians.”

Transport Minister Rita Saffioti added “This training facility is another milestone for the METRONET program. METRONET is providing state-of-the-art infrastructure our suburbs need, changing the way people commute around the city and reducing congestion on our roads. The McGowan Government’s $6 billion METRONET program is expected to create thousands of local jobs and opportunities for local businesses, making the METRONET Trade Training Centre an essential training facility and key element in supporting WA’s rail industry.”

Read the full media statement here