New defence industry website 'The Other Force' launches

  • New website details careers and training pathways in Western Australia's defence industry.
  • The Other Force part of WA Government's $11 million investment over four years to build defence industry workforce.
  • Defence industry set to create more than 4,000 jobs in WA over the next decade.

The State Government has launched a new website to encourage Western Australians to explore and navigate employment and career pathways in our State's growing defence industry workforce.  

There's never been a better time to start a career in the defence industry with WA securing multiple projects through the AUKUS Optimal Pathway and the Naval Surface Combatant Fleet Review.

The Other Force website has been designed with industry stakeholders and gives users an insight into what it's like to work in the industry and learn more about people's experiences.

A key feature of the website, Occupation Spotlight, profiles 21 in-demand jobs and the vocational and tertiary pathways available to help get those interested job-ready.

The website provides prospective workers with an overview of the support programs and financial incentives on offer to help them 'start something' in the defence industry.

It also provides information to employers on a range of WA Government programs and incentives to help them grow their workforce.

For those interested in defence careers that require a university qualification, the VET Steps to Uni resource can assess their eligibility to use academic credit towards a degree.

For more information, visit: or contact the Rockingham Jobs and Skills Centre on 9599 8655 for free training and employment support.