Mid West Job Ready expansion to train more bricklayers for WA

The State Government is expanding its partnership with Western Australia's building and construction industry to meet the strong demand for bricklayers in the Mid West region.

The State Government's Bricklaying Job Ready Program, a Fee-Free course which is currently managed by the Housing Industry Association in partnership with Brick & Block Careers, has been expanded to Geraldton, where it is being delivered by Central Regional TAFE.

The first cohort of students taking part in the training in Geraldton will soon commence work placements with local employers.

The Bricklaying Job Ready Program offers a pre-employment training pathway to bricklaying apprenticeships, and responds to requests from employers for short, sharp, relevant training to attract new entrants to the industry in a timely manner.

The program's expansion follows its success in Perth, where since its launch in 2020 the Bricklaying Job Ready Program has been helping the building and construction industry - which is one of the State's largest employing sectors - to access the untapped workforce.

Over 500 participants have commenced the Bricklaying Job Ready Program since its inception, helping to develop a pipeline of qualified bricklayers to help meet Western Australia's housing needs.

All Job Ready Programs are part of the State Government's Fee-Free initiative in partnership with the Commonwealth, which includes 130 full qualifications and skill sets this year to support training in priority sectors.

The program combines a short course skill set and work placement to introduce participants to a bricklayer's working environment, and includes wraparound supports to reduce barriers for participants to guide them to completion of their training.

Job Ready Programs ensure Western Australians, particularly First Nations people, young people, people looking for work or receiving income support, unpaid carers, people with disability, and women facing economic insecurity, can access affordable training to help them get into jobs in high demand.

To date, over 90 per cent of Bricklaying Job Ready Program participants are aged under 25, and 29 per cent are Aboriginal people.

Information on the Bricklaying Job Ready Program is at http://www.jobsandskills.wa.gov.au/pathways or contact your nearest Jobs and Skills Centre on 13 64 64.

Read the full media statement here