2,140 more Fee-Free TAFE construction and housing places for Western Australians

The Commonwealth and State Governments today announced a further 2,140 Fee-Free TAFE places will be available in housing and construction in Western Australia. 

The additional places are made possible through Commonwealth funding of $9.4 million, as they partner-up with the State to address skills shortages to build the houses that Western Australians need.

From January 2025, 2,140 new Fee-Free TAFE places will be available, including up to 540 pre-apprenticeship places.

The Fee-Free trades pre-apprenticeships will give students an opportunity to learn about a trade such as bricklaying, cabinet-making, carpentry, electrical and plumbing, and prepare them for future employment-based trades apprenticeships.

Three male and one female apprentices wearing hi vis organce bioler suites stood together in a workshop smiling

Western Australians who enrol in the new Fee-Free building and construction courses are set to save up to $1,425 in tuition fees in comparison to 2024 costs, helping to further reduce financial barriers to people engaging in vocational training and joining WA's in-demand construction workforce.

From 1 January 2023 to 30 June 2024, Western Australia has seen 63,489 students enrol in Fee-Free TAFE courses. Over this period, to help areas of high skills need and demand in Western Australia Fee-Free TAFE has supported: 

  • over 24,900 enrolments in the Care sector 
  • over 10,500 enrolments in the Early Childhood Education and Care sector 
  • over 7,100 enrolments in the Technology and Digital sector 
  • over 3,800 enrolments in the Hospitality and Tourism sector 
  • over 2,100 enrolments in the Construction sector

There have been over 11,400 regional and remote Fee-Free TAFE students in Western Australia since 1 January 2023.

The announcement today builds on the Commonwealth and State Government's commitment to addressing housing supply as a national priority under the National Skills Agreement.

Read the full media statement here