Aircraft maintenance engineer (avionics)
Aircraft maintenance engineers inspect, maintain and repair the various electrical/electronic, mechanical and structural components of planes and helicopters. They carry out routine pre-flight checks to ensure that an aircraft is safe and passengers will not be endangered. More detailed inspections are also carried out on each aircraft, where each component is examined and tested for damage and faults. Where problems are detected, aircraft maintenance engineers assess whether the component can be repaired, or if it needs to be replaced entirely.
Working conditions
Avionics aircraft maintenance engineers work in a range of environments such as indoors in workshops or the hangar, outdoors on the airfield, or on the flightline where aircraft await departure. Working conditions in the hangar are well ventilated and strict safety regulations ensure that risks are minimised.
They may work long hours, do shiftwork, work on weekends and may be on call.
Tools and technologies
Aircraft maintenance engineers use power tools such as pneumatic drills, grinders and riveters. Hoists are used to remove engines and other aircraft components, which can then be dismantled and tested using specialised equipment to check electrical signals and corrosion. In some cases components may be x-rayed or checked using magnetic inspection equipment to check for cracks that the naked eye may not notice. Aircraft maintenance engineers must wear protective clothing, such as overalls, safety glasses and ear muffs. In some cases, especially when working on the tarmac, they may also have to wear high visibility clothing.
Education and training
To become an aircraft maintenance engineer specialising in avionics, you need to undertake an apprenticeship in aircraft maintenance engineer (avionics). The apprenticeship usually takes 48 months to complete and is available as a school-based apprenticeship.

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