Jobs and Skills WA jobs board

Jobs and Skills Centres work closely with jobseekers and employers, business owners and industry across Western Australia to find employment opportunities, and to promote apprenticeship and traineeship opportunities.

The Jobs & Skills WA jobs board is a free, self-service platform that assists and supports jobseekers to find employment, and can help employers to attract and recruit employees via targeted job vacancy adverts. 

Two young males sat at an office desk with a screen chatting together

Jobseekers: Find your next job 

  • New jobs are posted daily.
  • Browse job opportunities on the Jobs & Skills WA jobs board to find jobs that match with what you're looking for. 
  • Register your details to receive email alerts for new job listings that match your profile. 
  • Find jobs across WA ranging from casual, part time, full time, FIFO (fly-in fly-out) and DIDO (drive-in drive-out) roles, and apprenticeships and traineeships.
  • Contact your local Jobs and Skills Centre for free advice, information and support to help with your job search.
Two young females smiling looking at a brochure together with a palm plant and orange wall behind them

Employers: Advertise jobs for free 

  • Connect with registered jobseekers across WA by posting on the Jobs & Skills WA jobs board.
  • List your job vacancies, including apprenticeships and traineeships.
  • If you are looking for an apprentice or trainee and would like to add your vacancy to the jobs board, use our online enquiry form or contact your local Jobs and Skills Centre.
  • Register your details to manage listings, recruitment process and receive alerts for jobseeker matches.
  • Receive free and ongoing workforce development and training support through the Jobs and Skills Centres.

Support for Aboriginal jobseekers

Your female sat at a desk with a computer monitor looking over her right shoulder smiling

The Jobs & Skills WA Aboriginal Services jobs board has deadly jobs listed especially for Aboriginal jobseekers. You can check for new job listings anytime. 

Create a free account to get email updates whenever a new job that matches your profile, is added. 

Visit the Jobs & Skills WA Aboriginal Services jobs board

Find Deadly Jobs on Facebook

For more support beyond the Jobs & Skills Centre jobs board, follow the Jobs & Skills Centre Deadly Jobs page on Facebook for helpful tips and for the latest job opportunities across WA.

Visit the Deadly Jobs Facebook page

Jobs and Skills Centre Services

For assistance with the jobs board, Aboriginal Services jobs board, job searching, or finding employees, your local Jobs and Skills Centre is here to help.