Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work

Jobs & Skills WA: Free and reduced-fee courses.

Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work

If you would like to use your lived experience to empower and support others to improve their mental health, learn about safe storytelling and ways of sharing your experience; recovery and trauma-informed care; understanding and responding to suicide; working with diverse people; promoting self-advocacy; working with impacted families, and much more.

This qualification builds on the knowledge of people who have lived experience of mental health conditions — as either a consumer or carer — and work in mental health support service roles. It's suited to people with no prior qualification and some work experience; or someone who has more on-the-job experience and would like to consolidate it through formal learning.

Through this course, you will build on your own lived experience and receive a nationally recognised qualification in mental health. You'll learn about safe storytelling and ways of sharing your experience; recovery and trauma-informed care; understanding and responding to suicide; navigating the mental health system; working with diverse people; promoting self-advocacy; working with impacted families, and so much more.

This work provides an opportunity to utilise your own lived experience in a way that helps others. It can be challenging, but also extremely rewarding.

Completion of this nationally recognised and accredited qualification may provide credit towards a relevant higher level qualification or university degree, should you wish to pursue further study in this field.

Please note: This qualification is not eligible for fee-free training if undertaken as an existing worker traineeship (EWT). However; selected qualifications in key industry sectors are available as EWTs, with reduced course fees (limited places may apply). To see the list of qualifications available as reduced fee EWTs, please visit jobsandskills.wa.gov.au/training#subsidised-training and select the 'Existing worker traineeships' tab. To find out whether an EWT is available for this qualification at a particular TAFE college or private training provider, please contact them directly via the information provided on this course page.

Training options

  • Low fee
  • Existing worker traineeship

Industry area

  • Education and Community Services

Study areas

  • Community Services
  • Mental Health

Course ID

  • National ID: CHC43515
  • WA State ID: AWL6

This course is available from registered training organisations (accredited private training providers) that are also funded through Jobs and Skills WA. Select from the list below, and follow the link to the provider's website for further information about the course and how to enrol.

This qualification reflects the role of workers who have lived experience of mental illness as either a consumer or carer and who work in mental health services in roles that support consumer peers or carer peers. Workers are employed in the mental health sector in government, public, private or community managed services. Work may focus on engaging people with mental illness in community participation, prevention of relapse and promotion of recovery through programs such as residential rehabilitation, work in clinical settings, home based outreach and centre-based programs delivered by community based non-government organisations. This work may also involve supported employment and programmed respite care. The program is delivered one day a week via Virtual Classroom allowing participants to study remotely whilst having live contact with facilitators through Microsoft Teams. The program has rolling intakes, please contact us on 9273 3033 to find out next intake date.

Delivery location


Marr Mooditj Training offers the CHC43515 Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work qualification. The qualification is delivered over 5 blocks of three weeks each of face-to-face classroom delivery and includes an 80-hour mandatory work placement. Marr Mooditj Training delivers this program due to workforce demand for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health peer workers. Our courses are delivered at our campus in Perth at 295 Manning Road, Waterford WA 6152. For all enquiries about applying to study this qualification please call 08 9351 9344. You can also find further information about this course on our website www.marrmooditj.com.au 

Delivery location


This qualification builds on the knowledge of people who have lived experience of mental health conditions — as either a consumer or carer — and work in mental health support service roles. It's suited to people with no prior qualification and some work experience; or someone who has more on-the-job experience and would like to consolidate it through formal learning.

Through this course, you will build on your own lived experience and receive a nationally recognised qualification in mental health. You'll learn about safe storytelling and ways of sharing your experience; recovery and trauma-informed care; understanding and responding to suicide; navigating the mental health system; working with diverse people; promoting self-advocacy; working with impacted families, and so much more.

This work provides an opportunity to utilise your own lived experience in a way that helps others. It can be challenging, but also extremely rewarding.

Completion of this nationally recognised and accredited qualification may provide credit towards a relevant higher level qualification or university degree, should you wish to pursue further study in this field.

Please note: This qualification is not eligible for fee-free training if undertaken as an existing worker traineeship (EWT). However; selected qualifications in key industry sectors are available as EWTs, with reduced course fees (limited places may apply). To see the list of qualifications available as reduced fee EWTs, please visit jobsandskills.wa.gov.au/training#subsidised-training and select the 'Existing worker traineeships' tab. To find out whether an EWT is available for this qualification at a particular TAFE college or private training provider, please contact them directly via the information provided on this course page.

Training options

  • Low fee
  • Existing worker traineeship

Industry area

  • Education and Community Services

Study areas

  • Community Services
  • Mental Health

Course ID

  • National ID: CHC43515
  • WA State ID: AWL6

This course is available from registered training organisations (accredited private training providers) that are also funded through Jobs and Skills WA. Select from the list below, and follow the link to the provider's website for further information about the course and how to enrol.

This qualification reflects the role of workers who have lived experience of mental illness as either a consumer or carer and who work in mental health services in roles that support consumer peers or carer peers. Workers are employed in the mental health sector in government, public, private or community managed services. Work may focus on engaging people with mental illness in community participation, prevention of relapse and promotion of recovery through programs such as residential rehabilitation, work in clinical settings, home based outreach and centre-based programs delivered by community based non-government organisations. This work may also involve supported employment and programmed respite care. The program is delivered one day a week via Virtual Classroom allowing participants to study remotely whilst having live contact with facilitators through Microsoft Teams. The program has rolling intakes, please contact us on 9273 3033 to find out next intake date.

Delivery location


Marr Mooditj Training offers the CHC43515 Certificate IV in Mental Health Peer Work qualification. The qualification is delivered over 5 blocks of three weeks each of face-to-face classroom delivery and includes an 80-hour mandatory work placement. Marr Mooditj Training delivers this program due to workforce demand for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health peer workers. Our courses are delivered at our campus in Perth at 295 Manning Road, Waterford WA 6152. For all enquiries about applying to study this qualification please call 08 9351 9344. You can also find further information about this course on our website www.marrmooditj.com.au 

Delivery location


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The information presented on the course lists within this website is provided to the Department of Training and Workforce Development by the WA TAFE colleges and private training providers, and is offered as a guide only. It is updated regularly, however some changes to details may occur in between updates. You should always contact the TAFE or private training provider directly to confirm details and/or ask questions.